What Should You Do With Your Spare Room?
Most people welcome a spare room because it represents an opportunity for a little extra breathing space in a crowded life, just as someone caught in an avalanche might create an air pocket with their cupped hands. But if you’re someone with a spare room, be warned: unless you assign a specific purpose to it, your breathing […]
Property Maintenance Tips: How to Clean Your Doors and Windows
In the UK, most businesses, residential property owners and tenants are increasingly conscious of the environment. This new level of consciousness has inspired property owners to look closely at how they maintain their properties and to the chemicals that are used for maintenance and cleaning. From the foundation to the top of the roof, property […]
Bi-fold Doors in Bars: Opening Up the Outside
In the era of home-cooking shows and modernised interiors, people are increasingly choosing to play host and wow their guests in their own way. To compete with this trend, bar owners need to incorporate the comforts of home into their environment. One way you can achieve this as a project manager is to suggest the […]
Five Amazing Kitchen Gadgets
Remember those days when you first started stocking your kitchen. Every new item spoke of your exotic tastes and ways with a thousand recipes. If the desire to keep collecting kitchen gadgets has taken longer to wear off than expected, don’t fear! In the age of culinary experimentation there are now gadgets that are functional yet […]
The best BBQ deals right now
No British summer is complete without that BBQ. The moment the sun appears from behind our seemingly perpetual cloud cover we flock to our parks and gardens to scorch our food (and often ourselves in the process). It isn’t the summer until you come home from an afternoon on the lawn with lobster skin, mild […]
An Introduction To Origin Bi-Fold Doors and Windows
Origin are the UK’s leading specialist manufacturer of bespoke aluminium Bi-folding Doors, Windows and made-to-measure Blinds. They combine high grade aluminium with expert engineering to create high quality, bespoke products and here at Multifold Doors we are proud to be able to offer our customers their products. Tailor-Made All Origin Bi-folding Door products are manufactured […]
British Building Regulations: A Look at Efficiency
The Climate Change Act, passed in 2008, commits to a steep energy reduction goal. By the 2050 target date, emissions must be reduced at least 80 per cent from 1990 levels. In order to meet these stringent requirements, the UK government has created several new problems and put new measures in place. The Department of […]
6 Amazing Kitchen Storage Ideas
What’s the storage space like in your kitchen? Most Britons are feeling the squeeze when it comes to space in the home, and yet – as chef Rachel Khoo demonstrated by turning out restaurant-standard cooking in her tiny Paris flat – it’s not the amount of space you’ve got that really counts. What matters is […]
How to Find a Good Builder in Your Area
You’d think the process of finding a good local builder would be relatively simple: look in any advertising directory and there are always lots of them competing for your attention. But it’s difficult to predict quality and reliability from an advertisement, or even from meeting the builder in person. That’s why it’s a good idea […]
Interesting Features For Your Garden
Given our fascination with gardening and making our garden the centrepiece of our property and a source of continuous enjoyment, we are constantly trying to find ways to make it even more appealing. When it comes to improving our garden, we have choices. If we categorise our possible improvements into hardscape, landscape and ornamental, we […]