6 Amazing Kitchen Storage Ideas

What’s the storage space like in your kitchen? Most Britons are feeling the squeeze when it comes to space in the home, and yet – as chef Rachel Khoo demonstrated by turning out restaurant-standard cooking in her tiny Paris flat – it’s not the amount of space you’ve got that really counts. What matters is making it work for you.

If you want to make your kitchen work better, you’ll need to be like Rachel and get creative. Check out these clever storage solutions for starters, and then you’ll be set to really let your imagination run riot!

If you’ve got no cupboard space to stow your condiments, show them off and keep them tidy at the same time by stowing them in a crate. You could buy one, but it’s a lot more fun (not to mention cheaper) to rehabilitate one from a jumble sale or even a skip. And if you’re especially handy, you could fit it with wheels for easy rolling along your counter top or table.

This isn’t a storage idea as such, but where floor space is at a premium, lateral thinking pays dividends. Consider replacing traditional seating with low-footprint alternatives. If you’ve got space under your kitchen counter and it’s made of robust, good-quality materials, one option is to mount swivel-out stools on the vertical surfaces: when they’re not in use, they can be folded out of sight and out of your way.

In kitchens that are short on floor and counter space, you can make every centimetre earn its keep by investing in multi-function accessories. One especially simple and ingenious space hack is using a sturdy cutting board to turn your sink area into a chopping surface. If you want to take the sophistication up a notch, go for a pull-out cutting board which – when fully extended and braced with legs – emerges from your kitchen unit to become a table.

Since we’re all so used to doors as a means to an end, it’s easy to overlook their usefulness as a provider of extra storage space. If you’re not already making full use of the insides of your kitchen cabinet doors, hop to it right now! Install hooks inside the doors under your sink, and you’ve got a no-clutter place to hang damp washing-up cloths and rubber gloves.

Cast your eye around your kitchen and, even if it’s incredibly small or badly planned, you’re certain to have plenty of clear vertical spaces, such as the ends of cupboards or the side of the fridge. It’s a fairly straightforward matter to attach metal rails to the end of your kitchencabinet, and from these you can use hooks to hang your awkwardly shaped cooking utensils. Or use magnets and plastic organiser baskets to make a space-efficient spice rackon the outside of your fridge, all without complicated DIY.

This is an especially useful method when you’re trying to work out where to keep frequently needed essentials such as your dustpan and brush. Just attach them – within easy reach – to the outside of a vertical surface, and you’ll find it easy to keep your kitchen tidy.

One of the biggest kitchen storage challenges is small things: you know, like bag clips, baking beans and toothpicks. The best way to store small things is in jars, so they’re all together and you can get at them easily, but the drawback here is that jars take up shelf space. However, even if your shelves are crammed to capacity, don’t imagine that there isn’t room for more.

Mount your jars by their lids to the underside of your shelving, and instantly see your shelf space double.

Even if your kitchen is as big as you could possibly want it to be and designed down to the last detail, the crucial ingredient is your imagination. And if you’re in cramped, rented accommodation, your ideas can make the difference between a daily struggle and a living space that really works for you. Take inspiration from the ideas above and let your creativity be your only limitation.

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