Winter Heating

This winter could be the winter in which you choose to renew and improve your household heating system. Let’s discuss some of the many different options you have when choosing your heating.

The most obvious and easiest problem to solve is bad insulation. Although we are specialised in windows and doors, it’s worth noting that huge amounts of heat can be lost through the roof if poorly insulated. At Multifold Doors, we install Origin bi folding doors. Their windows have been certified by ‘Energy Star’ to lower your household energy bills by an average of 12%. Origin doors use Aerogel, designed to keep astronauts warm in space, which makes Origin Doors different from other suppliers and solves the problem of poor insulation. Installing Origin windows and doors is a great way to save money and replace the need to add radiators to the wall or install a stove in a room. Not only does Origin focus on safety, security, and efficiency, but their doors and windows are stunning as well.

You can also choose to heat your house this winter by using an AGA in your kitchen. An AGA is a large slow heating oven that emits huge amounts of heat while you’re cooking, drying your clothes, or simply boiling water. Gas and electric versions of the AGA can be turned on and off and heat up within an hour; an oil-powered AGA, however, may take up to a day to reach full heat. They can easily heat a large kitchen. And there is no need to be worried that having such high heats for a long time is a waste of energy, as every AGA has an insulated cover. It keeps the boiling plate hot and ready to use while it heats the surrounding area. There are a variety of different sizes for installation: single plate AGAs are perfect for city living when space may be an issue, a five oven option is great if space is not an issue or if you are extending.

Whether it is controlling your heating from your smartphone or having an intelligent thermostat, smart heating is something that is becoming a norm in today’s modern household. One of the best features of smart heating systems like Heat Genius is that they have the ability to remotely control the heat in different rooms using smart TRVs (Thermostatic Radiator Valves). This means that you can turn the radiator off in larger houses where certain rooms may not be used for long periods of time. . This can save large amounts of energy, it can cut down on bills, and it will help you be greener. The aim of smart heating is to give the user more time to do other things and not have to worry about the heating. It is about ease of use and having a clear interface that anyone can operate. As time progresses heating will become smarter and we will only have to think about the money!

In the past decade or so, underfloor heating has been perfected. There are now two types of this form of heating: electric and water. Both designs aim to achieve the same result, which is to warm up a room. This is achieved by sending electricity or hot water through a long wire or tube weaving under the floor, thereby causing it to heat up. The heat from floor heating rises and heats the entire room without the need for radiators, stoves, or fires. It is a very efficient way to heat a room if you want to keep it free from heating appliances. Electric underfloor heating is easy to apply and rolls out almost like grass turf. It can be installed by a keen DIYer or electrician. However, water-powered underfloor heating must be installed by a plumber, as it is more complex and it requires finding the correct source of hot and cold water. You cannot simply roll out waterbased underfloor heating, it has to be hand-shaped, almost weaved in.

The above heating systems are all great methods for heating your house, but for all round safety, security, and energy efficiency, Origin bi fold doors are the best choice. For more information enquire here.