
If you have decided that a patio is not right for you then why not try a deck instead? A deck area is the perfect way to bring the outside in and make the best use of your Multifold Door bi folding doors.

There are many different styles of decking to choose from, each with their own pros and cons. For example, standard grooved decking has fantastic grip and is very weather resistant, whereas a more flat, solid, and stylish approach may have more design options.

Decking is perfect for the summer as it requires only a small amount of maintenance, especially if your deck is treated well with protective agents straight after instalment. This will stop any mould developing and will prevent rotting of the wood that could cause severe damage to your deck.

Like patios, decking can be cleaned with basic power hoses. A simple spray down with some warm soap will get your deck clean and ready for the summer. When using power hoses, make sure the hose is not too close to the deck or too powerful. If you are too harsh to the wood with the power hose, the decking could suffer damage and splinter.

Prices of decking commonly range between £1 and £10 a plank, but, of course, there are far more expensive products out there. The average cost of a small team to install the decking is around £500. This makes it cheaper than installing a patio and just as effective if you’re aiming to extend your outside living area.

We have seen a lot of different decks in our time and discovered some great ideas. One of the best decks we’ve seen was for a small garden which needed more outdoor space. The designer decided to actually elevate the deck significantly resulting in a garden with two tiers, each with access to sunlight.

At Multifold Doors, we try to make the smoothest transition possible from outside to inside. Having a great wooden deck would go perfectly with our Woodgrain bi folding doors, creating a seamless flow from your outside to inside living area. Please browse our range of bi folding doors and read about our Woodgrain bi folding doors for ideas for your decking.