Multifold Door Security

Multifold Doors provide their customers with Origin doors and windows. They make some of the safest, secure and heat efficient doors and windows in the business with a particular focus on bi folding doors. Even though the amount of burglaries has fallen by 26% in the last decade, people are generally still worried about burglary. Luckily, security is one of Origin’s main specialities and their doors are designed with the latest technology to prevent any forceful entry.

At a conference in the US, a questionnaire revealed that 44% of women rank security as the most important factor in a door whereas only 25% men believe this is a door’s most important feature. The most popular way for modern day burglars to break into a house is no longer quietly picking locks or cutting glass, but breaking the lock itself. This is quick and effective; it can often be done within 50 seconds. More modern locks now have diamond-edged barrels to stop them from being forced open (more info here). One of the ways burglaries have been reduced in the UK is by fitting new locks into old doors. For those who are concerned about the security Origin windows and doors have to offer, here are some examples of their work.

With 73% of all burglaries happening using a door the residential doors Origin produce have a range of locks and handles that vary with the door type. It also depends on your own personal preference. For example, Origin’s residential doors come with keys that can only be cut with the correct authorisation code.

Origin bi folding doors have dealt with improving the bi folding door hinge, which used to be one of the major security issues people found with this type of door. Origin has designed a hinge that is prepared for an attack; it gives very little opportunity for even the most determined intruder. When you add the other bi folding door security systems such as the 8 point lock, Origin bi folding can be incredibly secure.

Windows are also particularly vulnerable, that’s why Origin has gone to the effort of creating very secure windows with the ‘Yale Encloser Lock’ and impenetrable crimped frames.

Multifold Doors believe that safety and security are major issues and one of the reasons we chose Origin to be our suppliers is that they have the same concerns about security as we do. Origin has constructed doors and windows which are safe and continue to look stunning.

Please contact us for further information. Or view our range of products.